Tuesday, May 24, 2005


Want more with your Firefox browser. You can get updates for it. These include things like ForecastFox. That lets you get the weather for wherever you live right on the browser's toolbar (the weather's from weather.com so you can trust it). For more updates like this, visit Mozilla's website with the link below. Plus, you can get more updates from third-party companies like mozdev.org.


Monday, May 23, 2005

Google Toolbar

If you want a Google Toolbar for Mozilla Firefox, you have to go to Mozdev.org. That's because Google doesn't offer one. Don't try asking Google for Google Toolbar for Firefox, because they'll send you to the same website, and I know from experience. If you want one with page rank you'll have to go to prgooglebar.org for one. All of the links are below.
